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Esteban Álvarez
César Baracca
Javier Barilaro
Leo Battistelli
Gabriela Bettini
Adriana Bustos
Leo Chiachio & Daniel Giannone
Nicola Costantino
León Ferrari
Vicente Grondona
Guillermo Iuso
Daniel Joglar
Marcos López
Fabián Marcaccio
Marta Minujin
Charly Nijensohn
Liliana Porter
Pablo Reinoso
Miguel Ángel Ríos
Graciela Sacco
Hernán Salamanco
Antonio Seguí
Pablo Siquier
Chino Soria
Juan Andrés Videla

Hernán Salamanco
(Buenos Aires, 1974)

Studied at Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes, Argentina, and at the Royale Academie de Beaux Arts, Belgium. He was granted the National Support Scholarship for Artistic Creation by the Fondo Nacional de las Artes in 2000. Among his solo exhibitions are those held in 2004, 2006 and 2008 at Braga Menéndez Gallery in Buenos Aires and Thomas Cohn Gallery in Brazil. He has exhibited at museums and institutions such as the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC), Chile University; Fundación Telefónica de Argentina; Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (Malba); Fundación PROA; Simmons & Simmons London; Printed Matter Inc., New York; amongst others. He lives and works in Buenos Aires..

Amazonia alta (High Amazonia)
Enamel on metal sheet 100 x 200 cm (Courtesy of Lodeveans Collection)


Argentine Ambassador’s
Residence in London
49 Belgrave Square
London SW1X 8QZ

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